Saturday, March 27, 2010

Screen Styles

There are many options for using screens in worship. This is a view of the front of the sanctuary of the Evangelical Center at Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley, California. Notice how the screen is really fabric temporarily installed in the sanctuary. A section of the fabric has an image projected on it. Standing beneath the screen is a man signing the speaker's words so the hearing-impaired may also understand.

Many wonder how a screen might fit into very traditional church sanctuary architecture. This screen is beautifully integrated into the Gothic sanctuary of St. Luke's United Methodist Church in Dubuque, Iowa. The art or lyrics projected on the screen easily fit the worship environment. The screen is easily tucked away with the flip of two switches: one to reel the screen into its housing, and the other to pull the housing up into the ceiling.

Screens may also be used in outdoor worship spaces! Above and behind this cross-shaped wooden pulpit is a light-colored painted wooden screen of a small evangelical congregation in San Jose del Cabo in the Baja Peninsula, Mexico. Church members project hymn and song lyrics onto the screen.

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