In her book published in 1992 by the Jewish Publication Society (and available used at reasonable prices at amazon.com) Jo Milgrom offers a number of easy art projects that help unskilled/untrained/amateur artists (like me!) to enjoy making art that connects to biblical texts, theological themes, and liturgical forms.
One method I have used with middle high students, college students, and seasoned church members simply involves colored construction paper and glue. I usually buy a package of large sheets of 12"x18" construction paper and another package of 8 1/2"x11" construction paper, and enough glue sticks for the expected number of participants to share.
Select a theme to illustrate: it could be a scripture passage a group is studying. It could be something from worship, like "make a picture of a baptism" or "make a Communion picture." It could be to illustrate a hymn verse. Assign the project to an individual, a pair, or a triad. They would select their "canvas" of one of the large pieces of construction paper, their materials of several pieces of the smaller paper, and a glue stick. They are instructed to make a picture by tearing pieces of the colored paper and glueing it on the larger piece of paper (no cutting, no crayons, no pencils, no pens).
Two university students made the picture below, illustrating I Samuel 8 and early Israel's debate over whether to make a king to govern them.

The students read the story, decided what they would show from the story, selected colors of paper, tore the paper, and glued it on to the base. They then explained it the rest of the class.
Not only is this a simple and fun project in the classroom, but this kind of artwork could be displayed around the classroom, or your church, for others to see. It could also be photographed and inserted into presentation technology (like PowerPoint) and used as a visual illustration during a worship presentation.