Friday, May 13, 2011

Summer Course Offered in Berkeley

This summer I'll be offering a week-long (five mornings) course titled, "Visual Arts in Worship: Taking It To The Next Level" at Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley, California.

Dates and Times: One week: August 1-5, 9:00am-1:00pm.

Description: Many congregations are already using, or considering the use of a screen in worship. The challenges are many: how to make it even more interesting, where to find good resources, how to preach effectively with visual material, how to find affordable equipment, how to prioritize your time, and how to evaluate whether “to screen or not to screen.” This course will cover those issues and focus on how to find and present more visuals--art, photographs, video, and movie clips--to add interest and depth to worship and preaching themes in ways that are appropriate for any congregation. Class sessions will include participants sharing their own congregation’s experience with media, practicing new skills together, and using educational theory and theological reflection to examine the why, what, who, when, how and how much of multimedia/multimodal worship.

For more information, go directly to the course information listed by the seminary at: